
Mário Quina

Mario Quina
Mario Quina holds a Degree in Business Management and has over 25 years of experience in the property market and its various aspects. He is currently leading the Asset Management Team at Roadmap.
Before joining Roadmap he was a Coordinating Director of the Property Management Department of Banco Popular.
During the last 20 years, he carried out identical roles in Banco Pinto & Sotto Mayor, Totta e Acores, Credito Predial and Santander.
He was Chief Executive of PT Imobiliária, part of Portugal Telecom Group, which is responsible for the group’s property portfolio.
He was also a manager of several Property Investment Funds, namely Imovest (Santander Group), Imosotto (Mundial Confiança Group), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Imoatlantico (part of Vila Sol Group), being responsible for the group’s property portfolio, which included multiple tourist property projects.